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Unit 1: Our World

We use maps to represent our world. But, there are many different types of maps: political maps, relief maps, road maps....we can also use globes....

These are the Imaginary Lines we have seen at school (éstas son las líneas imaginarias que hemos visto en clase): 

...there are also the cardinal points (North, South, East and West) and the Intermediate Points (Aquí están los puntos cardinales y los puntos intermedios) : 

Following, the types of maps and what they show (aquí están los tipos de mapas y lo que representan): 

See the types of maps with images in this pdf file (mira los tipos de mapas que en este archivo pdf): DESCARGAR

Play this game and review the cardinal points (juega y repasa los puntos cardinales): 

Review the unit 1 with this game (revisa la unidad 1 con este juego):


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Unit 4: Spain

Spain! In this unit will learn about the Autonomous Regions of Spain. We also see the river and mountain ranges in Spain.  Practise the Autonomous Regions  of Spain with these games: Next, here is a map with the most important rivers in Spain:  Practise the rivers of Spain with this game: Finally, these are the capitals of each Autonomous Region in Spain:  Here is a list by a student from 3ºB: 

Ya queda menos! Semanas 11-24 mayo. CON SOLUCIONES!!

Hi everybody! We finish our trip through history learning about the Modern Age (19th and 20th centuries) 

TASKS 11 / 26 MARCH (tareas del 11 al 26 de Marzo) CON LAS SOLUCIONES!!

Hi everybody!!!! Here are exercises that you need to do during these two weeks. There is also a project!!!! 1.CLICK ON THESES LIKS:  Exercises 1 Exercises 1 (soluciones)   Exercises 2 Exercises 2 (soluciones)  Exercises 3 Exercises 3 (soluciones)  You can print the exercises or copy them in your notebooks. (podéis imprimir los ejercicios y hacerlos o bien copiarlos en vuestros cuadernos de clase en la parte de Social. Puedes ver las soluciones en los enlaces.   2. PROJECT:    Make a map of Spain´s relief (ahora vais a realizar un mapa del relive de España -ver pags 66-67 del libro de Social). Estos son los pasos:  1. Use a A4 cardboard. 2. Choose some material to do the mountain ranges: pasta, play doh, blue tag... (escoge un material para hacer las montañas: pasta, platilina, blue tag, bolitas de papel, papel de aluminio, macarrones partidos por la mitas, papel de periódico con cola....echa un ojo a los vídeos antes)  3. Check page 66 in Social Science b